
Friday, August 12, 2011

Sometimes you just gotta praise Him......

Tonight, we went out to eat with two of our DEAREST friends, neighbors and the other half of Arch Nemesiz...Dave and Deb! We celebrated the guys' FIRST song landing. E! picked it up for a reality show promo called "Kendra", and we couldn't be more thrilled for them! We went to J Alexander's and had a real niiiiiice meal ( say with a country twang ;)

Gabe and I personally just feel so stinkin blessed! I know that this was his vision for his writing career ( to make relationships that he may not have obtained without this pub deal, write great songs and through it the love of Christ) Our cup is over flowing with things to be thankful for! I am really seeing God work and watching the man I love grow so much in his craft, and that just makes my heart soooo happy! Thank you Lord for all you are teaching us and just revealing to us. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude and I never want this feeling to leave me as I know that EVERYTHING I have ( not just material) is because of you. We know that daily life as a believer, married couple, soon to be parents is not possible without YOU.

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