
Monday, January 9, 2012

Mirror mirror on the wall....

I am obsessed with mirrors. There are always those little things that you gravitate towards in a furniture store, and mine tend to be mirrors, candle holders and vases. My only problem is that I have more of these "little things" than I have furniture, which gives me nowhere to display this stuff.

My favorite mirror at home!

I was at Goodwill recently, and came across this mirror for $3.99. I saw it and immediately thought Robin's Egg blue! I got the spray paint for half off at JoAnn's. A brand new mirror for a whopping $8.

Since I do not have a console table in my entryway to hang this above YET,
it just hangs by my door to the garage. It allows me to give myself a look over before
I go public ;).


  1. As a mom, it is always good to get a look-over, as you never know what you may have forgotten that morning... like to change out of your pajamas! :)

  2. So weird...I was just scouring the internet for a mirror to go over my dresser! Good finds!
