
Monday, August 27, 2012

11 months....

Well, we are officially at that point where I am telling people that my BABY is almost a year old!!!!!! Man, she is really growing up so fast. She has tested my patience so much this month. She is a "go baby"!! She cannot be trusted haha! She is into everything, so I am more worn out than ever ( especially since Gabe has been gone A LOT in the last month), but life is rich!

  She is starting to mimic us more and more, which is so cute and scary at the same time! Whenever I pick up the phone to call someone or answer it, she puts her hand up to her ear as well and says "aah" aka "hello". She thinks it is HILARIOUS when I have to spank Sadie or tell her to go to her bed, as Sadie dog has been a bit of a pain lately! Sharing attention is just not her thing.

Some things Amara is loving right now:

Blueberries and Peaches
Rice with soy sauce
Drinking whole milk
Picking up Sadie's toy to give to her, then clapping
Dancing, which is her on all fours rocking back and forth
Drinking out of a sippy cup
Giving hugs
Crawling everywhere...It is so hard for me to let her crawl around in public places, but it is sooo much easier. She just reaches for the floor the entire time. I always give in! Thanks goodness for wipes!
Putting things "in" and pulling them "out" of containers
Trying to pull up
Standing up with her head on the ground!
doing BIG actually makes my face hurt to watch ;)
Swinging at the is as if she has rediscovered it. She absolutely loves it!!

A few things that mommy is loving right now......

Introducing whole milk :)
Getting to cuddle with her every night before I lay her down ( sweetest time of my day)
Feeling her tug at my leg to be picked up
Just being out an about and feeling her throw her head on my chest and cuddle me.....tears
Watching her eat....she is a gluten, but it is cute! Big appetite like mommy and daddy!
Seeing her discover and retain what she is learning
Her short, chubby legs
Her little teeth poking through
How much she loves Sadie
Watching her smile when daddy walks through the door

I feel crazy busy right now, but it is alllll good! We are looking forward to a Disney trip in Sept. ( taking baby A), daddy being home in a couple of days and a 1st Birthday bash to celebrate Amara and our life-changing year! That is about all I can focus on right now. Words cannot explain how much I freaking love my husband and the sweet baby we made together! We celebrated 5 years of marriage together this month, and it has only gotten better each year. I truly mean that! Amara is just surprising us everyday with new things that she is doing. We want to give her the world. She is a lover of people, and I will drive that prayer into the ground for as long as I live. She is a special baby, and once again......I can't believe I get to be her mommy! 

Thanks for a great month baby and boots.....and Sadie too! I love you three more!

This was by far the hardest photo shoot we have done to date! She is a mooooover!

Thanks for always! 


  1. I love reading your blog about your sweet life as a momma. It is, by far, the most rewarding thing in life. I hope to see her in person (and you and Gabe again) sometime when I'm visiting my darlings that will be back in TN very soon.

  2. Awww, thanks so much Cindy! That means a lot! It IS the best thing ever...being a mom. I absolutely can't wait until they are officially back in TN! I am so excited!!! Hope to see you soon!!

  3. MOST GORGEOUS GIRL EVER! Cuddly little doll!
