
Friday, October 19, 2012


I used to be a Summer lover, yes, even in humid TN, but I think Fall has stolen my heart! Sorry was fun while it lasted. Not only do I love the not sweating while hauling around an antsy 1 year old part, but this time last year, we were adjusting to life with a newborn. Gabe was home the most he has ever been during our marriage, and I was falling madly in love for the second time in my life! This season just holds such a special place in my heart now, and it is full of so many fun festivities! Getting your first hot pumpkin spice latte from "Starbizzles" as my husband likes to say, going to pick out pumpkins, baking pumpkin bread for the, making turkey chili and throwing on a scarf with leggings and my brown boots! I look forward to it all! It is so much fun this year because Amara is starting to understand more and find fun in things! We are so blessed beyond comprehension, and although we are missing daddy a lot this season due to his traveling ways, we are making the most of our time together as a family! Hope everyone is enjoying this time of year and appreciating where God has you at the moment! I know I am doing my best!!

(Below) A little fall decor for the abode...


  1. okay you are out of control...that mantle and table decor is amazing! come do my house!!

    1. Whatev! I am trying to keep up with you!! Thanks for being the only person who reads my blog and comments!! I truly love you for that! ha!
