
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Quick Salad Recipe

I really love salads, but I never take the time to fix them for myself. I am the worst about actually eating the amount of greens that I should because, honestly, I don't enjoy making food for myself. I am home alone so often that I hate to make a mess of any sort because I have to clean it up. So spoiled, right?

One night, we went to dinner at a friends' house and they served arugula with extra virgin olive oil, lemon, and salt and pepper. It was sooo delicious to me for some reason. For my own little version, I have added avocado and edamame to the mix. There is nothing to this salad, which makes it perfect for a quick fix, but it definitely doesn't lack in flavor.

What I use:

Arugula ( about 2 handfuls)
EEOV ( just enough to slightly coat the arugula so that the salt and pepper sticks)
1/4 of a lemon ( feel free to use more, but I am not a huge fan of a strong lemon taste)
edamame ( chilled)
salt and pepper ( to taste)

I make it in a large bowl so that everything gets nice and tossed together, then put it in a cereal bowl :)

This little lady quite enjoyed edamame! Yay for new snacks!! :)

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