
Thursday, March 7, 2013

DIY Jewelry cleaner

Ok, this recipe is nothing spectacular as far as ingredients go, but it is SUPER spectacular when it comes to cleaning my wedding rings. My set has a lot of little bitty holes and crevices where soap, lotion, dirt and everything else under the sun gets caught. Even a little soap and toothbrush scrubbing only clean the surface! I needed something that would literally PULL all of that gunk out from under my diamonds. I found this recipe on Pinterest ( of course!), and it worked so well!

2 parts white vinegar and 1 part hydrogen peroxide....THAT'S IT!! Let your rings soak over night, then boil them for about 5 mins. WHOA!! My new favorite thing. It is like a fun science experiment. As soon as I dropped my rings in my little mixture, they started bubbling. I pretty much ended up doing equal party Hydrogen Peroxide and white vinegar. A little extra peroxide could only help, right?

They are soooo sparkly and so clean. I think I may even let them soak again tonight! I don't think last night's soak undid about a year or two of unthorough cleaning. Just take a little toothbrush to wipe away any loose residue and you will feel like you just put your rings on for the first time!! Mine literally felt lighter!

Please try to not be distracted by all of the hand sexiness you are about to endure....this post is about ring cleaning people!


  1. Ooh this is a great idea! And your ring is so lovely. Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at

    1. Thank you so much Marilyn!! My husband did well ;)

  2. Looks good Jenni!I need to try this with mine! I have the same problem as you, so many places to collect dirt...

    1. Thanks Melissa! Yes, you gotta keep those beautiful rings shiny girl. I know Jordan would appreciate it! ;) Hope you all are well!!
