
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Hope everyone had an amazing Easter weekend! I am late getting my little Easter post up due to the fact that we have been super busy since Sunday. 

Goodies for Amara! Yes, there IS a Nick Lachey lullabies album in there. It is actually quite soothing, and we have our first overnight road trip coming up since having a little one. Thank you, advance.

Enjoying a cupcake...very much so!

We had a rushed morning trying to get to the airport to pick up daddy! His flight was delayed, which made us about 20 minutes late to church, buuuuut we made it. It was great to be back in church WITH my husband. It has been 6 months! I had to fight back lots of tears triggered by the overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness. I have missed him. :)

Btw, Gabe and I are notorious for NOT taking pics of ourselves dressed up. We kept that tradition going this holiday as well. People only really care about the babes anyways, right? ;)

Have a great week everyone! I am hoping to get one more post in this week, but we have visitors coming to stay with us, so I make no promises.

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