Man oh man! Where has time gone? This blog entry is going to be somewhat jumbled with different info. I have a lot to catch up on. In the recent weeks, I have been in major nesting mode. I finally finished Amara's bathroom, caught up on nursery decor ( still needing an ottoman and waiting on some artwork to arrive in the mail), washed a TON of new baby things, packing for the hospital, somehow clearing room in my head to do last minute online shopping for the things we don't have and trying to keep my house spotless, which is so unrealistic!
Below are some pics of bathroom stuff....not that exciting, but we got rid of the cream walls and bleached towels :). Thanks to Target, the bathroom at least makes sense now.
Found these prints on Etsy and painted the frames. I was obsessed with these little elephants! |
Her first rubber ducky ;) |
Here are just some little shots from the nursery progress.... I don't want to do the full reveal yet!We just added some IKEA goodies. Not much to see....
I am waiting on these posters that I fell in love with from The giraffe print is what
started my inspiration for this room. I knew I wanted a patterned wall, bright solid colors and modern
Gabe and I each picked an animal, then had her do a custom one. " I love you more" is commonly said
here in the Patillo household, and my dad has always said it to us kids, so it just made sense :) |
As I mentioned, Gabe and I made a trip to IKEA. We made a little
"Anniversary Trip" out of it. We found a hotel deal online and stayed at the cutest boutique hotel,shopped at H&M, went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, watched a movie in bed,had an amazing breakfast on the hotel patio, then headed to IKEA. I didn't take ANY pics but one of us in the hotel room. If you only knew how long it took for us to get this, you will understand why there is only ONE.
It was so much fun! I genuinely have good ole fashion fun with my husband! He was so great in IKEA. He totally dreams with me and lets me space out there and say "babe, look at this" a million times over. I can't believe it has been 4 years!!!! It is the PERFECT time to welcome a baby into the mix and I seriously love him WAY more than the day that I married him. I didn't think that was even possible.
Lastly, I finally got some prego pics taken by one of my besties, Shara. She is amazing! I haven't received anything yet...just a preview! I am not weird about pics like this. I really think they are so sweet, and I don't have pics of my mom pregnant. I always said that I would have some to show my daughter, so I force myself out of my " non-photogenic" attitude, and make us take a pics every now and then. I can't wait to see the rest of them!!
We are so excited to get this little girl into our arms! We are 2.5 weeks away and I cannot believe it. I have no idea what I am in for!! Please keep us in your prayers! Gabe is in Phoenix as we speak, then heading to Panama City Beach for a show. We would love to meet her after this run, but before the next show on the 10th :) She is healthy and moving around a lot! I still keep looking at my favorite Ultrasound pic ( below) and ADMIRING her. I really do think she is beautiful already!