It is time for Amara and I to reflect on her 2nd she sits in my lap and keeps turning red from trying to hard to goes...
Amara has continued to be such a joy to our family. I am already amazed at how much she has changed our family dynamic and how much she has changed me as a person. I can speak for Gabe and I both when I say that she is our world now, and we actually LOVE it. She is smiling now, which is the biggest news at the moment. She still looks at us like we are crazy most of the time, but smiles are coming more and more often. My favorite time with her are mornings. God says His mercies are new every morning....that goes right along with a mother and her child. We both wake up happy to see each other and ready to face to day no matter what happened the day before...I have forgotten any frustration. The nights are getting MUCH better, as she is starting to sleep longer and fall back to sleep with a paci.
She is becoming very "talkative." I could sit and listen to her "coo" all day long. I am so anxious to hear her little voice and see more of her personality come out. She is a joyful baby, and she shines from the inside out. She also seems to be very contemplative also ( like Gabe). We have endured the first of our diaper explosions this month....gross :)
All in all, we are thriving and our little one gets cute by the day ( to us anyway)
These are the many things Amara is doing at 2 months.....
First Bus trip to daddy's show! |
Napping in her big girl crib :) |
Drooling and blowing spit bubbles |
Throwing fits....yes.....she throws fits only when I am around |
LOVING her pacis |
Making a poop face in almost every picture |
Actually pooping silently all over herself, then just chillin |
Sharing space with Sadie |
Shopping |
aaaand SMILING...