Once again, I am behind posting her monthly pics. I am literally sitting on the floor next to Amara letting her play with toys so I can get this done!
I can't stop her from growing!!! Man, oh man! Here we are.....8 months and counting. This month has been such a blast. I think this month I can officially make a list of things that she likes as well as the things that she DOESN'T like. Amara has an opinion all her own, and she isn't afraid to show it.
Amara is still sleeping like a champ at night, however, I am somewhat of a slave to my own home during her nap times, which are slightly different every day. She is no longer the baby that you can just tote around in the car seat. First of all, she is too freaking heavy. Secondly, she wakes up way too easily! Being home is a good thing though. It really forces me to take those nap times and either refuel so that I can be the best mommy that I can or do something fun....crafting anyone!?! or just clean. Cleaning usually wins!
Although I am not breastfeeding nearly as much, I am still so worn out at the end of the day. We move from station to station ( jumper, vibrating seat, swing, toys in her room, toys in my room, etc.) so much throughout the day that between that and running errands, I am worn out when I hit the bed. I still have to pump a little every night before bed so that I can feed her oatmeal in the morning too. SHEESH! Oddly enough, I have a lot more freedom in a weird way. I would rather be running with her all day and have a great night sleeper than the other way around!
Some of the things Amara is loving right now.....
Banana Oatmeal in the morning, and just eating in general!
touching specific things with her index finger
clapping her hands while we say "yaaaaay!"
Going to the park and swinging of course
Walks in the stroller
Giving open mouth kisses ( I pucker up and ask her to give me kiss kiss)
Sadie Marie dog
standing while being assisted of course ( not so much interested in crawling)
the pool
Holding the tops to her food containers while I feed her
Warm vegetables at night ( I love that my child loves her veggies so far)
Her alone time in her crib ( when she wakes up or just doesn't want to nap, she will just lay in her crib and talk and roll ALL OVER the place)
Peek a boo
Screaming ( happily) very loudly in public
Things she is HATING right now.....
Getting her hair washed...she literally tries to crawl out of the tub as if she is reaching for a life preserver. It is so dramatic!
being walked away from ( even if it is just two steps...SPOILED)
Pears baby food ( even though she will eat it mixed with stuff)
being caught off guard by lots of people or unfamiliar faces
.....mostly typical baby stuff!
My absolute favorite thing to do with her right now is cuddle. She will surprise me and just lay her head on my shoulder at random times or come at me with an open mouth for a "kiss kiss". It is the BEST! I will usually rock her for literally a minute or two before I lay her in bed and she will coo and sigh, and it melts me!!
We are soaking it up! She is such a great baby. She is very laid back and chill for the most part, and it is so crazy to watch her grow day by day. Every day, something she does makes her seem a LITTLE more grown. I guess that is the way it is suppose to be though! I want to keep her this way for forever!! I am having so much fun with her right now, and I am just honored to be her mommy! God is at work in my family very much right now. There is a lot going on, and even on Amara's worst days.....she is my sanity. She is my reasoning behind so many things that I do, and decisions I make now, and I truly wouldn't have it any other way! She humbles me AND lifts my spirits! Our little "boots!"
We are blessed!!
p.s this photo session of ours was unlike any other. She would NOT sit still and would not leave her prop alone! We did the best we could! :)