We took a ferry ride to a late character breakfast. I love a good buffet ;) Amara did so well with meeting the characters. I was worried that her obsession would turn to fear when she met them face to face, but she was a champ who high-fived and hugged like it was her day job.....which it kind of is.
^^ "Gocky!!!" aka Goofy! ^^
^^ She was pretty terrified of Wreck is Ralph ^^
^^ Amara sure does love her Grandma ^^
^^ Highly recommend the Disney Junior Live show. It really was the most memorable moment of the trip for me. It was that moment where Amara really connected to something that she was familiar with. I had happy tears flowing just from watching her be so. freaking. happy! ^^

^^ Gabe and I were able to get out for a few hours, thanks to Gabe's amazing mother! We came back to the hotel to find Amara laying across my mother - in - law's back. She is a good woman haha. Amara slept the entire cab ride back to our hotel. I sure do miss those days of a baby sleeping anywhere! ^^
I think I would be scared of Wreck-it Ralph, too!!