Monday, July 22, 2013

22 months!!!

Hey there! Nope, I haven't forgotten about my little ole blog here, but man, oh man have I been busy with life. I also can't deny that I have been a little uninspired lately....or lazy maybe? Gabe has been traveling a lot, which means I have been with our sweet little one round the clock! Her nap time lengths have been extremely unpredictable. I have taken any quiet moment to really just relax and rest up for the next half of my day with her. She is a girl on the go these days!!

This brings me to a 22 month update.....

 "Lap", "love you", "mommy", "oh no", "banana", "sadie" are some of the CUTEST words that come out of Amara's mouth right now. She definitely knows how to cut her eyes at me, but she responds "well" to spankings ;). We are teaching her to say " I am sorry". She mimics even the little things that she sees people do or say!

 She is extremely aware of crying babies, as she points them out always! She has a very loud voice..... it's just loud. She loves to dance so much, and I enjoy watching. She capitalizes on EVERY opportunity to crawl/climb up onto things. She took her first major "Do I need to take her to the ER?" fall in Target, which equalled my scariest mommy moment so far. I love just randomly locking eyes with her and sharing big smiles together. She gives amazing cuddles and kisses right now, and for the most part, seems happy to do so. She enjoys "talking" on the phone. Her world just stops when I tell her that we are going to call daddy.....its pretty much the best. thing. ever. 


foods: ice cream, peaches, greek yogurt, m&ms, rice
tv: Goofy movie, Curious George, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
toy: Ipad... Mommi Lite App and any video of Gabe singing
clothing: LOVES trying on shoes 
activity: pool time/splash pad....anything involving water outside

She is just as much fun as she is challenging some days, but I am loving it. She can drive me up the wall, but I miss her like CRAZY when I have to be away from her. I think that is the way it is supposed to be. I am looking forward to 3 weeks of Gabe being home and us enjoying some family time. Thank goodness for technology that allows me to keep Gabe up to date on all the new fun things that Amara is up to these days.