Thursday, May 2, 2013

Missing you...

 Today, we got to Skype with daddy while Amara was refusing to nap awake. I can't even begin to put into words how it makes me feel to see his face pop up on my computer screen......butterflies in my stomach. Not only do I get to feel that feeling just by seeing him, but I literally get teary - eyed watching Amara's eyes light up when she sees her "dada". Just before this little tour run, Gabe had a show here in town. It was the first time that Amara walked into the auditorium and noticed Gabe on stage right away, and pointed yelling "dada". I was so overwhelmed with joy because it is just ONE more way that she gets to see her daddy be AMAZING! One more way for him to take hold of her heart. One more way for him to be her everything.

 Amara actually "talked" today when Gabe asked her questions. Every other time that we have Skyped, she just sits, smiles, and stares. She showed him her newly painted toes, her hair bow, how she could walk in her rain boots. She laughed at his silly faces and voices.....I mean, it was just the best.

  You are the earthly, core being of our family. I know it is lonely on the road at times, even surrounded by people. I get lonely here too. I miss you so much sometimes, my heart hurts!! I want you to know that there is such a void when you are away. It grows us and makes us strong, so that the times that we are blessed with are SO RICH!! We have spent more time apart than together as a family these last 7 months, but I love our crazy life. I know that a "smile can go a long way", and today, it did just that. It made my day to "see you"smile. I love the crap out of you!! ;) Amara and I are the luckiest!!!

Love you more,

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